With House Resolution (H.R.) 1/Senate (S.)1 failing, Democrats have shifted their focus to pass H.R. 4. H.R. 4 is yet another attempt to take over our federal elections. Elections belong to the States…so says the Constitution. This election suppression act is designed to thwart election integrity, manipulate state redistricting decisions, and slant elections in an effort to help Democrats win. Couple this with the damage already caused by Mail-in ballots, and our future elections are in significant trouble. Once federalized, you will have no voice in your LOCAL RI ELECTIONS…NONE!
Help us elect a REPUBLICAN Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General…REPUBLICAN State Representatives and Senators…who’ll fight for YOUR rights to keep elections SAFE, SECURE, FREE, and FAIR, and retain their control in RHODE ISLAND, not WASHINGTON D.C. We NEED YOUR HELP!
As we prepare for 2022, we need all hands on deck to help turn Rhode Island RED and force a Republican wave to TAKE CONTROL of the Rhode Island State House and the Executive.
Based on voter enthusiasm and numbers of votes cast from the last election, we KNOW we can do it, but we’ll need your help.
Here are some facts to consider.
H.R. 4 would:
- Give the liberal politicians and the Biden Justice Department the power to overturn state-level election integrity reforms that make it easier to vote and harder to cheat – like those seen in Georgia, Florida, and Iowa.
- Effectively give the federal government “a veto over redistricting maps, election schedules, precinct plans, ballot translations, polling-place sites and much more.”
- Weaponize the Justice Department and give them enormous control over state and local elections.
- H.R. 4 would force “every single political jurisdiction in the country” to pre-clear certain election changes even if there is no evidence of discrimination.
Democrats attempt to claim H.R. 4 is about updating the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), but it’s really a politically motivated takeover of state-run elections. Discriminatory election laws are already illegal under the VRA and the Democrats know this. H.R. 4 attempts to bring back outdated and unconstitutional laws that the Supreme Court struck down in 2013’s Shelby County v. Holder decision.
Americans see through Democrats’ lies. Instead, they resoundingly support Republicans’ commonsense election integrity initiatives by a WIDE MARGIN.
Here are EVEN MORE facts:
- By a 33 point margin, Americans believe that voting in their area is “easy” and want the main objective of any reforms to focus on making sure elections are “fair and free of voter fraud.”
- Support for voter ID laws has risen 13% among Black Americans and stands at 81 percent among all voters.
- 68% of voters believe that state legislatures should decide the voting rules and regulations for their state, not the federal government.
- According to a recent nationwide poll:
- 80% of voters support voter ID.
- 87% of voters are against ballot trafficking.
- 78% of all voters endorse a proposed voting plan with these five common sense measures: presenting voter ID, signature verification, chain of custody controls, bipartisan observers, and cleaning up voter rolls.
Overriding state election integrity laws that MOST Americans already support is dangerous and H.R. 4 is nothing more than another Democrat power grab.
Who you vote for MATTERS. Local politics MATTER. YOUR VOTE MATTERS. Our State government is our first-line of defense against an out-of-control Congress dominated by Democrats who’ll do everything in their power to retain control in Washington. Our own RI Democrats support these practices and will do NOTHING TO STOP THE MADNESS.