Rhode Island Republicans all share a common goal: to leave behind a better Rhode Island for our children than the one we inherited from previous generations.
The Four Pillars for RIGOP in 2022 to 2024 help guide our actions towards achieving that goal.

School Choice and Returning ‘Power to the Parents’ in RI Education
It’s important for parents to control the quality of their child’s education, to be able to enroll their children in schools that effectively teach and promote learning regardless of their zip code, and to have confidence in knowing that their tax dollars will directly contribute to successful schools that are fulfilling the promises of academic excellence.
Election Integrity Matters! All RI Eligible Votes Should Count!
Voter I.D. is a critical security standard to ensure that only eligible voters cast votes, that those voters are who they claim to be, and that BOTH in-person and mail-in voters are held to the same high standards necessary to cast valid votes.

The Return of American Manufacturing to RI and Reinvigorating Its Proud Legacy
Rhode Island was once a manufacturing industry powerhouse, second-to-none in the region, had qualified and energized workers delivering quality products for reasonable prices at sustainable wages and benefits and made Rhode Island an attractive place to do business, grow, succeed, and work. With your help, the RIGOP can elect the right Republican lawmakers to the General Assembly who’ll rescind restrictions, lower taxes, incentivize labor, create pro-manufacturing laws, and support infrastructure improvements across the state to deliver on this promise.
RI GOP is Red, White, and Blue for YOU!
The RIGOP wants to return PATRIOTISM, FREEDOM and LIBERTY, respect for our Flag, our Country, our Police, our Creator, our Constitution, and our brave Military VOLUNTEERS to the forefront of who we are as Rhode Islanders. Patriotism crosses party lines, social and economic boundaries, age, and gender because regardless of our particular circumstances, we all answer to “AMERICAN” or “RHODE ISLANDER!”