Today, some who are lobbying to change Rhode Island law to make it easier to commit voter fraud are releasing numbers from their slanted poll to support their legislative agenda. In response, the R.I. Republican Party would like to offer a few statistics related to the recent South Kingstown special election on a school construction bond, which was overwhelmingly rejected by the voters. 

1. The U.S. Census estimated in 2019 that the entire South Kingstown population (adult and children) was 30,348 residents.

2. However, the Secretary of State had 63,012 registered voters listed in South Kingstown at the time of the election.

3. Only about 787 votes were cast by mail in this election, which is about 10.8 percent of all votes cast in this special election.

Stop wasting time trying to get people to vote by mail. Now that the pandemic is ending, people prefer to vote in person. Instead, spend time and money cleaning up the voter rolls. It is easy vote in Rhode Island. It’s time to make harder to cheat.

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Republican Party of

Rhode Island