Governor Raimondo has placed the nomination of John “Jack” Revens, Jr, Esq. forward to the General Assembly to fill a six year term on the Public Utilities Commission (“PUC”) that opens on March 1,2021. Jack Revens is a former Senate Majority leader who served for 20 years in the General Assembly. He is entitled to a state pension, yet has not taken the $12,000 a year payout despite being eligible. The PUC role carries a salary of $ 139,000 a year, which would substantially increase his state pension.

Rhode Island Republican Party Chair Sue Cienki stated, “ Lame duck Governor Raimondo is leaving for Washington, D.C. and should resign to allow Lt. Governor McKee to take the reins and make all appointments to boards and commissions. A lame duck governor helping an ally increase his state pension is nothing more than another act of cronyism at the taxpayers’ expense. Additionally, Rhode Island taxpayers would be better served if the appointment were a person who can commit to the job full time and not someone who spends a significant amount of time in Florida. “

Cienki concluded, “Governor Raimondo has to stop playing political games on her way out the door and allow the Lt. Governor attempt to get Rhode Island back on track”

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Rhode Island